Monday, August 11, 2008

Midnight musings 001 (yup..there are going to be plenty of these if i continue posting)

Why oh why is it that i find penning down words, on randomly flipped pages, easier than posting a blog? Sheer laziness? Or is it that though there is a lot to talk about the moot Q still does remain: does the world need to know?
Perhaps i still subconsciously equate a post to scribblings in a diary??!!
hence would rather not post at all? Simply another veil to keep the world from knowing???!!!
Oh, are we here talking about the answer to the question that the world would be better off not knowing, or for that matter, knowing? Protectors, Saviours, Termintors, is that how we fancy ourselves? We do, as all of those from time to time. If not of The World then at least of Our Own Worlds....(rest of this some other day)


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