Friday, January 30, 2009

Fate, Faith & Finding stillness...

When one has lived a certain amount of time one accumulates a varied experience. The entire Experience eventually stored away somewhere within the grey matter and termed as Memories. Again varied Memories. Some relegated to deep dark corners of the mind never to be summoned up. Others as fresh as if they were happening right now.

Similar situations crop up time and again with dissimilar reactions from us every single time. To think one would learn from ones own mistakes or know how to tackle a scenario one has already seen! 

One gets accustomed to both expecting from and reacting to Life. One Expects that kick in the teeth. One Reacts by ducking away, just in time. One Expects that healing touch, one Reacts by reaching out, moving closer to turn it into a hug.

One Expects the tap to eventually start dripping, one Reacts by bring out the plumbing tools. One Expects the advent of festivals, one Reacts by adding festoons to the festivities. 

Somewhere down the line a cynicism stands ready to creep in. One expects the tap to drip and Reacts if it doesn't. One expects loss, but is surprised by a gain instead. Always a predisposed reaction ready to pounce in. So why does a gain instead of a loss bring surprise? And not just surprise but also cynicism, an expectancy of gain turning to loss. Is it a resignation at Fate's foot? 

What if Fate, Destiny is determined to give a pat on the back instead of a kick in the guts? Naaah, how is that possible? After all how can Fate be so benevolent? Distrusting Fate comes easier than trusting it at face value, doesn't it?  What if it throws wide open the land of beliefs when it deals its hand? For you to go make it your own? What if it tries to restore a semblance of Faith? Would you for once decide to be kind to your own self and Accept it keeping aside what you Expect?

Difficult to accept, more difficult to ignore. No matter what the decision a turbulent state of mind is what emerges. Imagine not reacting as predisposed? Or even changing this basic reaction of disbelief and cynicism to one of gentle acceptance? So no matter if its a pat or a push that Fate delivers, bringing with it fathomless amount of Faith what it gets in return is almost Stillness. 
Stillness with smiles
and laughter
and tears 
and giggles 
and cries 
and "wow"s 
and "ouch"es; 
Stillness within.
Stillness and Faith. 


Yogesh Y Y A said...

"inside out"
i like this expectations and acceptance theory

Oh My Dear! said...

Life is weired,more for those who live it and observe it side by side.But it is really interesting to watch the life's turns as a third person, involved but not affected so much so that loses that introspecting and observing instinct.

Life is beautiful with all its weiredness

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