Sunday, January 4, 2009

Who's dream was it anyway!

"A dream is a wish your heart makes...." 
It has been happening of late even more often. Things that I dreamt of doing, places that I wished, with my entire heart, of seeing one day, people I hoped to meet; all these dreams, wishes, hopes are coming true.
A bit overwhelming. Especially since the unexpected , though oh-so-finger-crossedly wished for, comes into existence with such frequency.
Goals are set and worked towards. They are achieved, revised, disposed off, retrieved, reset. Try doing that with dreams. Of course all that and more is possible in lucid dreaming. 
Dreams in general are other-worldly. Many of them you'd rather not have come true. But yet in heart of hearts hope that they do. So what if they are bizarre you do have the courage to face them. You do. You really truly do. So do I.
When I dreamt of walking down the by-lanes of the far away seaside town, I knew I could put one foot ahead of the other and vice versa. My foot, my shoes, my shoe laces...
When I dreamt of getting just that shade there next to that tint on paper, I knew how much water would be needed to dilute the colour. My fingers holding the brush...
When I dreamt of saying hello to that person, I knew it would be a Hello and not a Hi. My voice, my hand for the handshake...
Feet have trodden the paths in that seaside town only not mine. Echoes of the footsteps reached me through holiday "snaps". The brushstrokes are not familiar, the tints are; neither mine. The smile that accompanied the handshake wasn't mine either.

My dreams are coming true. Only someone else is living them. 
It is heartbreaking to watch my dreams unfolding in such a manner, with a different lead to a different beat.

I I living someone else's dream right now?


Anonymous said...

dreamyyyyy dream is awesome! truly as i taking me into the dreams of the writer as and when i was reading the passages...

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